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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Vacation! Exciting, or Not?

So, in a few days, I'll be on my way to India with my family for a few weeks. Trust me, that's not my idea of vacation. My idea of vacation is at the Caribbean Islands or something, not India. There are many reasons why I don't like India, but my mom is always telling me it's beautiful and things like that. hopefully this trip will help me open eyes towards India, because the last few trips have been terrible towards me. For one, every single time I go there, I get these itchy red bumps on my skin (i don't think they are mosquito bites). Also, I got poisoning from some ice I consumed last time I went there, which made me very, very sick. It hurt to eat food, and my number twos in the bathroom came out like number ones (sorry but I had to say that). Lots of things that I dislike about India, but hopefully this trip will be better. BYE!