Check out the content below, and also my YouTube channel:

Also, if you need to contact me for whatever reason, email me at


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Vacation! Exciting, or Not?

So, in a few days, I'll be on my way to India with my family for a few weeks. Trust me, that's not my idea of vacation. My idea of vacation is at the Caribbean Islands or something, not India. There are many reasons why I don't like India, but my mom is always telling me it's beautiful and things like that. hopefully this trip will help me open eyes towards India, because the last few trips have been terrible towards me. For one, every single time I go there, I get these itchy red bumps on my skin (i don't think they are mosquito bites). Also, I got poisoning from some ice I consumed last time I went there, which made me very, very sick. It hurt to eat food, and my number twos in the bathroom came out like number ones (sorry but I had to say that). Lots of things that I dislike about India, but hopefully this trip will be better. BYE!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

PSP Vita

So, there's new gadget that's going to be released soon called the PSP Vita. What it basically is, is a PSP, with advanced upgraded features. It comes in a Wi-Fi and 3G model, though for 3G, you obviously have to pay a monthly fee. It comes with a 5 inch organic light emitting display on the front, or OLED for short. It has a multi touch pad on the back of the device, which you can use to play tilt games, or have as features in bigger games. There are dual analog sticks, which I am looking forward to. There is a front and rear digital camera. To play games, you have flash based memory cards. It has three motion sensors, a gyroscope, an accelerometer, and an electronic compass. As I said, it has fast Wi-Fi connectivity, and 3G with a separate model. There's a free PlayStation Network you can connect to, plus exclusive Vita features. It also includes a microphone, and speakers. There is a D-Pad, and also the original four buttons you use to interact with your game. Best of all, you can play other PSP titles, PS1 titles, and download videos and comics from the PlayStation Store.

All in all, it looks like a great device, which I will definitely try to pick up when it releases on December 31, 2011. Still a ways to go, though :(

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer and my Birthday

So, its been a long time since I have posted anything on this here blog. I just wanted to inform everyone that summer started, and my birthday just passed.I got almost $400 from it, which is A LOT, and probably the most I've ever received from a birthday. My brother wants to share the price on a PS3, but I don't want it as much since we already have an Xbox 360. I was planning to save the money a little more, so I could buy something better, like maybe a handheld device. So yeah, I mostly got money, giftcards, and clothes.

On another good note, summer started a few weeks ago, and I've have been playing a ton of video games. I'm not doing anything much over the summer, except going to India with my family, sometime over the summer. I'm not really looking forward to it, so I'm trying to find a way to not go, and stay home with my grandma. That's all for now, I'll blog more over the summer (or at least try to). :)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

iPod Touch 5G Predictions

There have been a lot of rumors about the new iPod Touch 5G, that's rumored to come out this September. What most of us have been looking forward to is the new iPhone 5G that's supposed to come out in either June or July. The new iPhone will probably hint new features at the new iPod Touch. I'm more looking forward to the new iPod, just because it's just like the iPhone, and I really don't need the whole iPhone.
So what are the rumors? I'm guessing, that they might improve the camera. The current one produces grainy pictures, and they aren't as focused as the pictures the iPhone takes. There are also rumors that the screen will become bigger whereas the iPod Touch 4G's screen became smaller. One of the biggest rumors is that they'll either remove the Home button, or modify it by making it touch sensitive. Personally, I don't think that the touch sensitive will work that will because if you're playing a game, your finger may accidentally slide over it. I think they should keep the original push home button. I'm hoping that they will improve the speakers and make it louder than before. It's good if you're in a quiet environment, but if you're at a party or something, then there would be background noise. Then a louder speaker would be nice.
So those are the main rumors that we've indicated. There have been some supposedly leaked pictures, but personally I think they are fake. They don't look real, and if those are the only improvements, I'm disappointed.
I will try to buy the new iPod, because I love the iPods and they are great. I'll be waiting.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I'm going to 6 Flags, on Friday! YAY!!! I've never been there, and am super excited to finally go there. Ironically it's on a field trip from school, so it should be fun since I'll be with friends. I'll take pictures and post them on my Twitter, so if you people have Twitter, and there'll be pictures there. BYE! :D

Bin Laden Dead?

Osama Bin Laden is dead, and I know I'm very late with this news, but it's true. The man is finally gone! After the terror he caused on September 9, 2001, he has been taken down once and for all! A brave SWAT team broke into his house, and shot him in the eye. His wife has been taken into custody by Pakistani police.
Osama was hiding only an hour from the capital of Pakistan, which is smart, and foolish at the same time. Smart, because he knew people would be looking in the most difficult places, such as the remote mountain ranges, so he hid in a close to obvious location. Foolish, because as I said earlier, it was a close to obvious location.
That's all for now.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I have a Twitter! Now! If you have one and would like to follow me, then go to the following link, and you can follow me, or just check out my page. I only have one tweet, so yeah.

Cisco Kills Flip?

Yeah, so you may know that for my YouTube videos, I don't have one of those fancy high tech cameras so I use a Flip Ultra HD. I'm pretty happy with it, though a professional HD camera would be nice.
Anyways, Cisco bought Flip two years ago and now they're abandoning them because of reasons such as Cisco never meaningfully integrating the Flip into their main business of computer making gear, as Yahoo says.
It's quite sad, since the Flip Camcorders were selling pretty well. They were the highest selling out of all the other pocket cameras. Now that Cisco has killed off Flip, they will be left bankrupt, and shut down.

However, mobile devices that are being released now and tomorrow, will have very high quality resolution cameras, so there will probably be a mobile device with a camera equal or better to the Flip. The iPhone is in some ways better than the Flip, like its image stabilization, which beats the Flip's anyday. I'm still sad to see this amazing product go... :(

Monday, April 11, 2011

Ban on Home Lunches?!

Yeah, I'm alive. But to the point of my topic, a school in Chicago is now banning lunches from home and requiring you to buy lunch for $2.25 at their cafeteria. No exceptions, except for kids with allergies.
As you may notice, there are many, many things wrong with this new rule. The principal says, "Nutrition wise, it is better for the children to eat at the school,". Are you kidding me? I've seen a picture of the lunch you serve, and it looks like for jail inmates. They can't possibly eat that every single day. The options are VERY limited, which means that every other day, you'll be stuffing a cold cheese sandwich down your mouth because there is nothing else. Nutrition wise, it doesn't actually look that unhealthy, but I'm not sure what they're showing is enough to fill up some children at this public school.
There is a rumored thought (by me) that kids will obviously try and smuggle in snacks from home, after getting bored of eating the junk that they serve. I understand, if this was the situation at my school, I would probably try and do the same thing. However, punishments are there for those who attempt this feat. And in my head, I think many people WILL do this.
"It's about... the excellent quality food that they are able to serve (in the lunchroom). It's milk versus a Coke." - Princial Elsa Carmona.
I can obviously make out the doubt in her voice and how she can't think of anything else. If I were in her place, I would definitely be against Coke, and other sodas that contain sugar, and also other junk food, but I don't really think I would force children to eat food unwillingly. Its really about the choices that they make, and I don't think I would accept the power to serve the kids the same lunch against their will. If they wanted to eat healthy, then they could, and if they chose other than that, then be it. I can't force them, but should keep in mind that there WILL be consequences in the near future.
The school lunch racks in at $2.25 a day per meal. I will admit that this is not a very hefty price for school lunches. But if we take the matter of fact that this is the price they have to pay five out of the seven days of the week, then I would definitely file a complaint if I were a parent. If we estimated the total amount per week, per CHILD (keep in mind that many parents do have more than one child that go to the same school), then that's $11.25 a week, and may I repeat, per student. Two students is $22.50. That's not fair, especially for those who may have lost their jobs due to the bad economy. Here's what a local mom says about this, "I can accept if they want to ban soda, but to tell me I can't send a lunch with my child? ARE YOU KIDDING ME????"
This may partially include health concerns as the principal mentioned earlier, and since the obesity rate in America is rapidly growing, but it may also have to do with making money because of the budget cuts. There have been budget cuts at my school, and that's why we recycle, and try and lessen on supplies that are unneeded. But to take money from hard-working parents, some who can't even make enough to provide a roof for their family, is terribly cruel, and selfish. Of course, I do still understand that there are budget cuts, but schools do have a set budget aside from education, which they could use maybe on supporting a fundraiser or two. Or maybe host a few dances where there would be a small entrance fee. These are all ways that they could make money.

And it's not like kids won't buy school lunches anymore. Kids will still be buying school lunch if it's more convenient for their family, or if they forget a home lunch one day. There will still be a lot of sales in school lunch. But for other families, bringing a home lunch is a cheaper, and more enjoyable meal for the child and the parent. Health may be a huge concern from this school, but as I said earlier, parents should enforce the foods that children eat, and if they don't, then the kids will have to make their own decision. Having a school governing them what to eat is unjust in my mind.
Thanks for listening to my thoughts, I'll try and post more often, but I need to get off YouTube. TOO MUCH!!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

New Blog?

You may think that I'm going to be juggling too many blogs around, but I beg to differ. All the short stories that I've written are going to be transfered to that blog, and all the upcoming stories I post will be on that blog. If you enjoy reading them, follow that blog as well as this one. This one will be mainly about opinions and other things like that. I'll put the link to my new blog in a while when I've sorted everything out. Thanks!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

I Won a Contest!

Yeah, so I entered this poetry contest (yes, I write poetry). My mom actually convinced me into doing it, although I was against it the whole time, because I don't mean to toot my own horn here, but I knew I was going to win because my poetry is good, I have to admit it. I did win, (most credit goes to my other family members for editing, printing, enveloping, and stamping) and yesterday I went to the Awards Ceremony which was downtown. After dinner and the live music was over, the awards began and they called me up to read my poem. There were at least one hundred people there, so I was a little nervous, but not as much as last year (I'm so good I won last year too). The poet laureate handed me my certificate which had my poem glued on the back on it. I read, then obtained my cash prize of $15 which isn't much, but it'll buy me a new iPod case and some other accessories. I'm kind of glad that my parents convinced me, but now I'm in trouble because I didn't attend a workshop (which you were encouraged to go to after the Awards Ceremony) I was supposed to attend. I didn't go because it's two and a half hours on teaching me how to write poetry about small things in everyday life. To be honest, I don't really enjoy writing poetry, but I'm good at it. Same concept with math. Anyways, since I didn't attend, my parents are mad so I guess I should have gone to, but I really didn't want to. Anyways, I just wanted to share it. Salutations.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Lost (a short story)

AJ started chasing after his dog that ran into the woods. He dashed around trees, jumped over logs, and skipped over rivers to catch up to his dog. But, he soon lost sight of him soon. AJ collapsed under a tree, and sat for a few minutes to catch his breath. As he stood to set off again, he realized that he had run into the middle of nowhere.

AJ was completely unfamiliar of the area he was now in. Everything around him looked the same. He was't scared though. Actually he felt quite content being in the dead silent woods. It gave him a chance to listen, and observe.
There were the sounds. Water gushing through the stream, moving quickly and swiftly. Birds, humming their everyday song, that echoed through the tree bark. His footsteps were a distinct sound against all others. He could listen to each footstep, crackling against the dry leaves and snapping the weak branches.
AJ, began walking towards the direction he came from and guessed that he would eventually reach his new home. As he stepped on the damp dirt, he breathed in the crisp air that the woods had to offer. It was much different then what he smelled at home. At the time, dinner was probably the scent in the air. He then remembered home, and hoped that his mother wouldn't get worried. AJ also worried about his dog, which he hadn't named yet, because he was a new edition to the family and AJ was starting to bond very nicely with him.
The sun was still raised high in the sky, and a warm air was against him. It wasn't too warm, but it felt comfortable. The rays felt good against his face, after all that running. As he walked back, he kept calling out hoping that his dog would hear. But there wasn't much luck.
For the next hour he was walking, the sun gradually faded behind the mountains and at its peak point, it was hiding just behind the mountains; flashing a pink and orange wave against the dark, blue sky. The temperature also dropped by a few degrees, but AJ didn't feel cold. After all, it was a summer night.
Now, AJ could see the fireflies, glowing against the darkness, almost illuminating it. They were like small fragments of a flashlight. He wondered what would happen if he captured them all in a jar. They blinked rapidly as he walked by.
A strong hunger bit him in the gut, and he knew he had to reach home fast. Soon enough, the moon shone brightly against a solid black with small twinkling specks of white. The moon was at its brightest this night, or that's what AJ thought. There was much more light in this new area he now lived in. In his old house, the city lights penetrated the beautiful stars that covered the night sky, and the moon seemed like just a plain circle in the sky. Now, when he was in the woods, it seemed like much, much more.
He leaned against a tree for a short resting break, when he spotted large light up ahead. It was coming from a window. His house was just up ahead!
AJ dashed ahead, quickly passing the trees, with a swift breeze now against him. When he came closer, he broke into a jog, then started walking. Up on his porch was his golden retriever, his eyes closed tightly. His new name was Woods.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Earthquake of Japan (short story)

Ryo pulled out the last weed from the farmland. It was midday, and he was done with farmwork. Now came everything else. Sweat drenched his worn out, muddy shirt which he used to dry the perspiration on his face. His face was grimy, and red from the intense heat that he had to face while doing farmwork.

He turned around and started walking back to his master’s house when he felt a great shaking. The ground started throbbing, and Ryo was catapulted to the ground. His hat flew several feet away from him as he fell. He dug his short fingernails into the soft dirt and was hidden behind the stalks of corn. For the next two minutes, he tried to stay on the ground and kept low for some reason. When the shaking had finally ended, he pulled himself up.

Ryo dusted the dirt off his clothes and turned around to see his farmhouse. It was completely destroyed. The roof had caved in, and torn apart the lower floors. Debris was scattered everywhere, and as he jogged closer, he could spot many of his and his master’s possessions under or next to the rubble. Then, he spotted his journal which he wrote in everyday. Quickly, he ran to it and saw that the cover page was completely ripped except for the top right corner. Many pages had been ripped out and dirt had covered it. Any other possessions he owned were not visible except for a few small items like a toy yo-yo he used to play with as a child.

Ryo was confused, saddened, and scared all at the same time. Master had gone out to buy groceries, and Ryo was all alone without any possessions, or even a phone. Some scary thoughts flashed in Ryo’s head, like if Master had passed, or was injured. Master was his guardian. He cared for Ryo, fed him, and bought him things. Without Master, he was dead.

For a few minutes, he scavenged the debris but everything was buried, or broken.

The nearest neighbor lived three miles away. Ryo knew he had to get there. But it would take a while; at least an hour or two. For ten minutes he sat on the ground thinking about a better solution. But, he couldn’t think of any better solution. That was his only one. After a while of thinking, he became drowsy and fell asleep.

He woke up when he saw a car driving up to his house (that was trashed). The car however wasn’t Master’s which dropped Ryo’s hopes. But there had to be someone in the car who could help him. It was a black van that drove right up to Ryo. On the side, he read the words: 緊急車両 (Emergency Vehicle).

Ryo felt a smile on his face. A kind looking man stepped out with mostly black clothes.

私と一緒に来てください。これで安全です,” he said. (Come with me. You’re safe now.)

A tear dragged down Ryo’s face, and he entered the car which took him back to the city, which he knew he was safer than being alone.

The city looked worse than his farmhouse. Buildings had collapsed, and cars were flipped over. There was a traffic of cars that blocked the roads once they got to them. However, they were able to make it.

Ryo felt bad about those who didn’t make it alive. There had to be some who didn’t make it. He kept thinking of Master, however. The generous man who raised him to what he was today. Terrible thoughts went through his head, but he turned them off. Ryo was worried about Master, and also about the other people who were affected. But he tried to think happy thoughts. The man driving didn’t talk very much. The sun tapped into Ryo’s head and once again he fell asleep, as the van proceeded through the earthquake of Japan.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Earthquake in Japan? :(

As you may know, there was recently a massive, 8.9 magnitude earthquake in Japan. I read about it, and feel horrible about all the people that were affected by this tragedy. There were one hundred aftershocks, with ten of them being over a 6.0 magnitude, and two being over a 7.0. After the quake, there was a huge tsunami, that killed hundreds of people. The effects were so powerful, as to being carried all the way to California, where there were a few waves that were higher than usual. In Japan, the highest wave was around 23 feet, and cause major destruction. I viewed a video of a man trying to escape his car, unable to because of the waves that rushed in, and slammed him back into the car, where he was trapped.
I feel very bad for everyone affected by it, and for relatives and friends of those who were affected. I think that we should try and donate some money to a charity that will support Japan. For the full article, visit

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Finally... the iPad 2!

Yes, it is true, the all new iPad 2 was released today. To be honest, I think it looks pretty neat, and I would want to pick it up, but it still lacks many features that the other tablets that are currently available have. First of all, let me tell you what all the things it has.

INCLUDED IN THE NEW iPad 2: The all new iPad has improved from the previous generation, a lot. It has a 1GHZ dual-core A5 chip, two cameras (front and back like the iPhone 4), a faster CPU, and a 10 hour battery life (same as old iPad). Another built-in application that is added is Photo Booth which you can use to make photos you take with the cameras all funky.

PRICE: $499 for 16 GB, $599 for 32 GB, $699 for 64 GB. 3G- $629 for 16 GB until $829 (NOT SURE ABOUT THE MIDDLE PRICES).

WHY IT LACKS: There are obviously many reasons why the other tablets are superior to the iPad. For all of the iPods and iPhones, and also the previous iPad, the home menu has looked the same. Just showing the applications. With the new iPad, they could've done something different to the iPad's home screen. This is however just my opinion and I know many people would be let down if they did change the interface. All in all, I think that they could've put the iPad down, and maybe start working on something else in it's place. It really hasn't met my expectations. Another thing that it's missing is flash.

MY RECOMMENDATION: Anything else would be better, because I think that it isn't worth the money for the same iPad. They didn't put a twist or surprise me. I knew most of the things that they released ahead of time, and they should have put one component in that would completely surprise me. Anyways, my recommendation would be the Motorola Xoom if you're needing a tablet right now. The Motorola Xoom has a smart, and fun to use interface, and it's something new, not something we've seen before. The iPad is something that we've seen before. However, I myself will wait for another couple months before browsing. I know something else will come out that will impress me a lot. So, sorry, but the iPad 2 was a let down for me. :(

Monday, February 28, 2011

There was a pounding in my heart, that seemed to never stop. It kept on beating, harder and harder. Thunder rolled the earth, and lightning scarred the muddy sky. I was bedraggled in the unforgivable weather, holding my gun to my chest firmly hoping for some extra warmth. The wind blasted my cap out and up into the wind away, and it was useless to go try and get it back.
I looked forward, and saw them coming towards us in huge mobs, and crowds. They were jogging towards us. Us. The other thousand men that were standing behind their leader. Me.
Quickly, I shouted an unknown phrase in the air, and then dove to the ground. Gunshots pierced the air, causing even more noise pollution then there already was with the rain thumping against the ground. I pushed my soggy hair aside, and saw them fall down, in large waves. My neck snapped back to my side and it was the same deal with my men. Carefully, I crawled to the side, and stood behind a large, wet tree. I looked ahead again, and took my rifle and fired at them, their bodies falling helplessly to the ground. A boom, rumbled the ground, and seconds later, lightning scraped the sky and downwards came its wrath. It struck at a tree, a branch cracking. Underneath were many of the enemies. This was my chance.
I loaded my gun and held the trigger not at a person, but at the torn tree trunk hanging from the tree about to give any second. The gun shots burst at the last segments that connected the branch to the tree. A few second did the trick, and the whole thing collapsed, crushing many of the enemy under. However, new armies were swarming in. We needed backup. I sprinted behind, being careful and looking back every couple seconds. As I maneuvered through my men, I saw them going down quickly, and my heart sank thinking what the situation would be if I were one of them. My mind snapped out of it, and I just kept on running. Finally I reached the rear of my men, and jogged back to base. There was a garage, and inside the garage were the backup. I pressed the red button outside of the garage, and the door opened. The alarms in there went off, telling them it was time for action.
They formed a neat square and marched out, then broke out into a steady jog. It was then when I ran back, and started helping out. I shot them down, and it was painful for me to even see them go down, as I knew that they may have made bad choices, but they were all still people. Though, this was what I had signed up for so I did my job.
As I fought, I let the rainwater trickle down my dry throat. It wasn't much, but it was something. Suddenly, I felt a stabbing pain in my left arm, and I fell to the ground. My other arm wrapped around the wound, as my sight went blurry. One of my men jogged over to me, and crouched low, so he was out of sight. The trees in the forest provided nice cover.
He dug into his pack and pulled out a needle. Without thinking, he inserted the thing right into my left arm, where the injury had occurred. It felt like it was on fire for a few seconds before the pain subsided. Then he wrapped some gauze around it, but right when he was about to tuck it in when I saw the most painful thing I had ever seen. His head started to bleed, and the blood was squirting out of the back of it. I closed my eyes immediately, and kept low.
Then I opened one eye, and saw him fall back. A tear rolled down my cheek, but I wiped it away with my good hand. I didn't have the time to cry. With my right hand, I pushed the end of the gauze underneath the loose end, then tightened it. I raised my head, and used my right hand to support my weight up. Then I withdrew my pistol, and started using it, but it wasn't doing a thing. With no effort, I threw it into the mud, and it was buried in. A flash of lightning struck the sky, and I went momentarily blind. Then, my chest felt like it was being ripped apart.
I lay back down but knew that I was gone for good. With one hand, I ripped my chest clothing off, and saw something terrible horrible. Blood stained my skin, and I was slowly dying. Suddenly, I heard cheering, and in the corner of my eye I saw in the distance a white flag being waved by the enemy. We had won.
I smiled, laughed, then closed my eyes again.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Untitled (short story)

He felt his foot being buried inside the wooden deck, that was covered by the swarms of people waiting get off the same wooden, musty ship that they had been for several months. Pushing, and shoving was the only way he made it to the port of the ship. Then, he put his arm out, and let the misty brine cover his arms, then face. It was a cool, brisk wind that flushed into his face as he put it out towards the water. Distinctly, he could see a small grey lump far ahead. That was impressive, considering the amount of fog that had settled near the ship. Many, many days it had been that he had been stuck on the same piece of wood that was not big enough to hold half the amount of people that had settled on. Disease had started to catch on, but he was a lucky fellow, and continued to pray he wouldn't catch it.
The sun was a bleached circle in the sky now, surrounded by the dark, dingy clouds that surrounded. There had been few days where the sunlight had come to the boat. They had left when the third season had just ended. At the moment, they were at the worst possible season to be in while on a ship.
Waves crashed against the front, rear, and sides of the ship, but it wouldn't collapse. While it was a piece of wood to him, it was still quite durable and sturdy. It was called Old Cross, and had a wooden cross implanted on the front of it.
The harsh, bitter weather was now getting to him, so he retreated back into the center of the ship. It was a great deal warmer inside than out, since there were mobs of folks down there as well as up on board, and the body heat was great. However, the body heat was not strong enough to make the coldness disappear. He sat next to a fireplace, and put his hands in front, hoping to catch some of the burning heat emitted from the fire. The fire made him drowsy, and as so, he soon fell asleep.

"Last call to leave the ship!" he heard as his eyes snapped open. The room was empty. It was time to get off the ship, and he was about to be the last one on.
Quickly, he sprinted towards the exit, his hair blocking his vision. Sweat rolled down his red cheeks, and as the man was about to close the door, he jumped and made it out... on the dock. His arms and knees were covered in scrapes, bruises, and blood, but it didn't hurt massively, so he ignored it. Slowly, he made his way up, and was about to fall back, but caught the wooden railing which itself was crumbling and soon wouldn't support a child.
He blinked a few times and was definitely surprised. It was nothing like what he had seen from at sea. The clouds had vanished, and there was the sun staring at him. All of the clouds were gone, and the sky wasn't gray anymore; instead it was a bright blue. A wide mountain range surrounded the area he was in. They were tremendous, and had snow at the top peaks. He ran to the start of the dock and saw trees. What was surprising was that there weren't any people that he had seen. He skipped along, looking around for a person to tell him where the city was located. A slow, calm river flowed in front of him, and he used the stones to step over to get to the other side. He was in some sort of forest. This was nothing like he had imagined. It seemed like it was in the third, and warmest season that he was in. The climate was much warmer than at sea. He steadied himself upon a rock and sat for a while. Just for a while.
He then dug into his pocket and pulled out his most valuable possessions. Two shillings, a compass, and a locket given to him by his mother. The items had all began to rust a little, but he still kept them close, and protected them like family.
He rubbed the cold, wet metal on the shilling. It shone brightly in the sunlight. His compass seemed to have been defected, as it was now spinning around in all directions. He shoved it back into his pocket. Then, he snapped open the golden locket that had the paper inside. The message which he had only seen once.
The sounds of birds chirping, and the river flowing made him feel happy, and tranquil. But there was a sound that had disrupted his calmness. A scream. An ear piercing scream that could be heard from a mile away. It seem to come from behind him. Again, he began running, but this time in the opposite direction; the one he had come from. It took him about five minutes to jog back. As he looked back at sea, the clouds had returned, and so had the fog. His ship was gone but there was another one on the horizon.
It was being overtaken by the waves, with the waves crashing against the wood, and making holes in the sides. He gasped, and kept on watching. Suddenly, a huge tidal wave came over and wiped out the back of the ship, and it separated from the other half. It sunk miserably into the depths of the sea. The other half was struggling to keep on the surface but was still already dead in his eyes. And just before it was about to sink, he saw something at the front of the ship. It was a wooden cross, and above it were the words Old Cross.

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Escape (short story)

Up there, he could see the spy planes scrape the turquoise ocean up above. Silently, he shivered. And prayed. Crossed his fingers, and made an x over his heart which was pounding faster than the planes in the sky. He tried not to breathe because they were coming for him. Faster. Faster. In his head, he swore he could hear footsteps coming to take him away to that wretched place again. Not anymore. To escape, he had to know where they were. Carefully, he moved his eyes to a small opening in the bush he was hiding behind. The sunlight burned his eyes through; they weren't adjusted to the bright rays. For a minutes, his eyes were set on the same exact spot, and in his head there was just one word that he could grasp. Death.
Then he saw them. Out of the clearing, they walked, covered in dark outfits, the color was not able to be determined. All of a sudden, his heart started to beat rapidly, but he knew the reason. Sweat rolled down is pale cheek and plopped onto the muddy ground. Now, there was no escape, because if he ran, they would see him, and if he stay put they would eventually find him. The heavy scent of smoke came from them, and through the bushes, he he saw the leader of the pack flick a few ashes off his cigar, then throw it onto the dirt. In a foreign language, they were whispering words which he wished he knew. As they drew in closer, he knew he had to run. All he needed was a split second. That second could save his life. So he used it.
The men looked back, but their heads snapped back to their old positions once they heard leaves crackling from aways. The American sprang up and dashed the opposite direction.
"Der Amerikaner ist immer weg!" he exclaimed, as a vein in his neck almost popped.
The American's escape had begun as he ran towards his freedom. This was his only chance, and if things went wrong, he wouldn't be breathing tomorrow. They shouted and swore at him from behind. Though he couldn't understand most of it, he decided that he didn't want to. After several minutes of running, he stopped to take a breath. He looked back, but couldn't see the Germans. He sat on the ground and lay against a dying bush. Scrapes and bruises covered his body. There was a deep, bloody gash in his arm that went from his elbow halfway across his arm. Suddenly, he heard a rustling. He stopped breathing and closed his eyes. After a few seconds, he opened one eye. Quickly, a squirrel rolled upon his legs, then scurried away. He took a long, deep breath of exhaustion. Being in the sunlight felt so good. Its warm, mysterious rays almost made him want to fall asleep. He closed his eyes, but wasn't planning to fall asleep...

"I've found den bösen Schuft. Es ist Zeit für sein Ende." the leader said. The American's eyes crunched open, and his vision was groggy. He then saw them, and his heart skipped a beat. But while he was asleep, he realized that it was better this way. Freedom.
The Germans continued to talk not noticing that he was awake. At this point, the American was content. The German took out a knife and smoothly ran his fingers along the steel blade that shimmered in the sunlight.

"Goodbye Amerikaner," the leader muttered. With that he took the blade and forced it into the American's shoulder. His shirt was stained dark red after the blood in that area had evacuated from his body. The German then took the American's head, and pushed it onto the ground.
"Der Schurke ist noch atmen," the German growled angrily. The American took slow, deep breaths, the last ones he would encounter, as he let the pain take over. The German proceeded to pull a pistol from his belt. After stuttering some words to himself, he took aim at the American't chest. He loaded it, then scoped at his target. Finally, he took a deep breath, then without hesitation, pulled the trigger, and threw the gun onto the American's chest where it had already begun to bleed out. It was escaping from his body, causing his vision to become bright. The pain was excruciating, but he didn't think about it. The American's head fell to one side and he mouthed the word freedom. Then, he saw the Germans walk off into the distance.

The American whispered, "I'm coming," then died a slow painful death, however knowing that he was already there.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Braces Hurt... :(

AAHHHH. I just got braces, and it hurts a lot! The first couple hours it doesn't hurt, and when the dentist puts it, it doesn't hurt. But about three to five hours later, it tightens up and squeezes your teeth, and it hurts. A lot. I'm not sure if I'll be able to go to sleep tonight. I took one Ibuprofen, which better work, cause my mouth feels like it's exploding. Did I mention, my mouth hurts?
I got bright green, which is pretty cool btw. I've got to sleep now. CYa..

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Addicted to Call of Duty?!

Yeah, that's right. I'm pretty much addicted. For Christmas I got Black Ops and Xbox Live Gold, so I've pretty much been playing online all day. Black Ops and Modern Warfare 2 are on my list. And my brother keeps teasing me that I still play MW2, but I still think it's a really good game (if not better than Black Ops). I shouldn't say that actually because both games are good in their own ways. It's easier to get perks in MW2 which was nice, but Black Ops has these awesome wager matches that are really fun to play. So you can say I like both games equally. But I still think it was a good idea to get Black Ops because it's a really good game. The campaign in Black Ops is better from what I've played (two missions) but MW2 might be better in multiplayer. And don't get me wrong, MW2 had still an awesome campaign (a little short) , but really exhilerating and lifelike. That's all I got to say. BTW, happy MLK Jr's birthday, I'm happy cause' I get a day off!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Happy New Year!!! (no I wasnt dead)

Happy New Year! Its been a while. Where have I been? Busy. Well thats kind of the only excuse I got. I went to Las Vegas and Bryce Canyon, UT. It was pretty awesome, I'm not going to lie. Look at the pics down below. I took them from my iPod, so not the best quality. For Christmas I got Call of Duty Black Ops (finally my parents agreed) and Xbox Live. Pretty sweet presents. And in school, I've been kinda busy (not really). So there might be ads on the sides of my blog so sorry about that, but I'm going to see if I can make any $ from them. I'll be sure to post more often, I've got some new content I'm thinking about. Also check out my Youtube channel and I'll see you next post.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


In my previous post, I told you I went kayaking. Did I enjoy it? More or less. I mean, I have to admit, I was kind of scared before doing it because I was scared I would tip the boat over, not know how to put the boat back up, and then drown to death. That didn't happen however (PHEW!). Kayaking takes a lot of strength and stamina, and a good patience. Well, I got bored and tired during the first ten minutes, so that didn't turn out well. Surprisingly everyone else loved it but me. That upsets me. I am very disappointed in myself. I am now going to give myself a timeout. (see you in my next post!)


How was your Thanksgiving? I didn't have like my whole family over, just two people. I NEEDED turkey, but my mom made lamb instead. YUCK! Turkey's better. Though I should be grateful that I am living under a roof, and I have plenty of food and water, and... this is getting boring isn't it? Well, anyways, how was YOUR Thanksgiving? Leave your responses in the comments below. I will DEFINITELY try to do some more stuff on this blog. I just kinda' forgot about it. I'm really busy, and I just went on a wifi free vacation to Monterey (this place in California). Anyways, see you in the next post.



Thursday, November 11, 2010

I'm not Getting Black Ops?!

What the HECK! I'm not getting Black Ops! My parents think its too inappropriate! I don't know why, but they just don't want me to have it. I would die for it and pay $100 instead of $60 just for a game! They still don't understand. I hate it when things don't go your way. I've been wanting this game since February ever since I saw the trailer. And now my dreams are being cut open with a ballistic knife?! It doesn't make any sense! I mean it may not be the most appropriate game ever, but still it's not like I'll be doing it in real life. I wish there was no such thing as ratings on games! I have Modern Warfare 2, but I can't get the next best thing, actually the 1st best thing IN THE WORLD! I saw the first 10 minutes of campaign for Black Ops, and those were the best 10 minutes of my life. Hopefully, I'll get my parents to change their minds. Because right now, I'm steamed at my parents. I'm probably the most desperate person in the world to get the best game in the world. I hope they will agree soon. Please leave some comments below telling my mom and dad to get the game. (BTW I'm in middle school).

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Halloween FAIL!

So in my last post about Halloween, I said I wanted at least 200 pieces of candy. Sadly I didn't make it and I got less than half. FAIL! For some reason, I started to get super thirsty in the middle of trick or treating and I started to wish someone would give me Gatorade instead of candy. But that didn't happen, so I had to go back to my cousin's house (I went trick or treating with my cousins), and drink water. I got probably at the most 60 to 70 pieces which is a HUGE disappointment. Halloween is the only time of the year where you get free candy and no one can stop you from getting it. Now the only thing I can look forward to is Christmas. I did however get some good candy so that was the good thing.
Random thing: I had a Halloween dance like last week or something which I went to since it was the first dance of middle school. Well, I was kind of stupid because when they say DANCE they mean it. The only thing there was, was loud music, some lights, and... well, that's it. People. Nothing else. Just an empty room full of music and lights. That's not what they show in the movies. It was probably the most boring school event I've ever been to. You had to pay for food and it was right after school which is the peak time for kids' stomachs to go berserk and start getting hungry. I usually only eat a breakfast bar, some almonds, and a piece of candy and going 9 hrs without food is hard. Another thing was that you couldn't leave before it ended so you had to wander around the Multi Use room (if you're like me and don't like to dance much) being bored. There was nothing at all to do. Never again am I going to another school dance. But it is also partially my fault. It's called a Halloween DANCE. Not a Halloween Get Bored Party. So, I should apply common sense sometimes.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Halloween is Coming

As you all know, Halloween is coming up soon, and I am PUMPED! I'm planning to get around 200 or more pieces of candy. AND I WILL NOT STAND TILL I GET 200 OR MORE PIECES OF CANDY! (well maybe I will, I won't SIT until I get 200 or more pieces). So anyways, I'm going to hit at least 70 houses this time, a lot more than I got last time (which was less than 100 pieces). I am going to be a dude with a skull mask on, and a robe. It's going to be AWESOME. What are you going to be? I was planning to be Ghost from MW2 (an awesome character) but I needed to many clothing items to be him so instead I'm just sticking with Skull Guy. I most probably will post a video of my costume on YouTube. Oh, and the best part? I WILL HAVE A NINJA SWORD AND A KNIFE!!!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Well, it rained ALL day today which meant I couldn't do much like get out of the house. It was a super boring day. Nothing to do. And, it's going to be raining a lot more this week which is kind of sad. But I did start playing this game I used to play a long time ago on my laptop and I got kind of addicted to it (it's called Governor of Poker). I think I started playing poker again because my friends and I were playing some Texas Hold Em' on Saturday and that's the best game ever. So anyways, you now know I hate the rain. So, I'm going to post something new this week and maybe more so keep checking back.