You may or may not have heard of the new upcoming video game console add ons, Xbox 360 Kinect and Playstation Move. If not, here's a link to what they are. Check them out first, and then read what I have to say about them.
So I'm basically going to talk about these two new systems. Basically, you just move around instead of playing on a controller. When you think about these two devices, then what other video game console do you think about? Probably Wii, right? Well, I do. Why? Because these two systems might be ripping off the Wii. Not completely though. I mean they do have their own creative and original ideas, but I bet if the Wii never came out, then they wouldn't have made these. These video game companies should stick to their own original ideas. I'm not saying that these new products won't be fun, I mean they probably will be, but they should stick to controllers and let the Wii be. Let Nintendo continue making Wii games, that's where they are doing well, but Xbox 360 and the Playstation should just focus on controller games. All companies have to be original after all, right?
Yahoo's Article- http://videogames.yahoo.com/events/plugged-in/can-motion-controllers-save-the-game-industry-/1406572
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