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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer and my Birthday

So, its been a long time since I have posted anything on this here blog. I just wanted to inform everyone that summer started, and my birthday just passed.I got almost $400 from it, which is A LOT, and probably the most I've ever received from a birthday. My brother wants to share the price on a PS3, but I don't want it as much since we already have an Xbox 360. I was planning to save the money a little more, so I could buy something better, like maybe a handheld device. So yeah, I mostly got money, giftcards, and clothes.

On another good note, summer started a few weeks ago, and I've have been playing a ton of video games. I'm not doing anything much over the summer, except going to India with my family, sometime over the summer. I'm not really looking forward to it, so I'm trying to find a way to not go, and stay home with my grandma. That's all for now, I'll blog more over the summer (or at least try to). :)

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