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Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday the 13th

Almost everyone in the USA knows the famous... or should I say infamous Friday the 13th. If you don't know what Friday the 13th is, then let me tell you. Friday the 13th is known as an unlucky day to most, and 21 million people in the USA believe in it. Me, myself, I don't really believe in it, but one bad thing happened to me today. Well not to me, but I caused it. So I'm on vacation in Virginia, and I was in my cousin's basement, when I accidentally leaned on a mirror and cracked it. For those who don't know, cracking a mirror means 7 years of bad luck for me. So I'll be looking out for 7 years of bad luck. What I don't understand is why I don't believe in Friday the 13th but I believe in 7 years of bad luck for cracking a mirror. Well, that's life. If you've experienced bad luck on a Friday the 13th, then comment down below. I might choose a good comment and post it in an upcoming blog. Till next post, see ya!


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