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Monday, September 13, 2010


Have you ever had those days where you're miserably bored and you want to cry because you're so bored? Well it happens to me... almost every day. Not so terrible though that I want to cry, but I do get bored. Well, now that I'm starting school again, I kinda' have to limit electronics because for the past two weeks I've constantly been on them so I have to get off. If you have any ideas, you can post a comment (by the way you don't need an account to post a comment). So, some ideas I have are drawing, homework, and well that's it for now. But I'll surely think of more stuff. I've started making videos more often too and I'm starting a new series on my YouTube account called "What to Do on an Ordinary Day" or something, so check it out. It's basically just me showing you my room. There's also a secret video which you can only access by watching that video (even though the secret video is just me fooling around). If you have a YouTube account, please SUBSCRIBE to mine!!! Anyways, thanks for reading this, and please keep to this blog. I'll stick to it, and keep updating with many feeds. :)

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