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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

School's Back!

If you haven't already noticed, and you're too caught up in summer, then you should open your eyes and accept that school is starting soon. For me, it's starts this Wednesday, and I'm starting middle school. If I actually look back, summer seemed like it was only like two weeks. Here are my thoughts on school starting again.
I have to say, my summer was not so productive. I was hoping to get a lot of videos posted on my YouTube channel (BunkerDudes) but really, no ideas sparked. I thought for a long time but no fire was created in my head. What I'm hoping is during the school year, I'm probably going to have more videos since during the school year, I'm more active and productive. That means I'm going to get more ideas for YouTube videos. If you don't know, I'm obsessed with making YouTube videos, but my only problem is that usually I don't know what to post on YouTube. So, I've got like 15 videos but really I'm just doing this stupid stuff because I'm bored. So if you are a frequent watcher of my YouTube then good news, since I'm getting more videos on my channel. However, if you haven't seen any of my YouTube videos, then click on the link below and it'll take you to my channel.

So what do you think of summer coming to an end? Leave a comment on this video saying your thoughts. I might even reply!

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