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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Math Sucks.

Anybody out there hate math as much as I do? Well look here, I'm good at it but I hate it terribly. It's the stupidest, dumbest, hardest, annoyingest (I just made up a word!), stupidest, and dumbest subject in school. So, for this year I jumped from last year's math two grades ahead instead of two since I passed this really easy test I took at the end of last year. The reason I hate math is because it's just a bunch of stupid numbers I don't care about. It's also hard as heck to understand. Since I skipped two grades of math, I am watching my math teacher tell us things that I've never really even heard of. The thing that gets me the most though is that everyone else in my math period seems to understand it perfectly and it looks like I'm the only one scratching his head saying, "What the heck?". I get a good deal of homework every night, and I take one look at it and want to tear the whole thing up. It's just something I don't understand. So, anyways, do you hate math? If not what's your least favorite subject?

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