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Thursday, September 23, 2010

New iPad?

Well, a new iPad like device is coming out soon. It's called a BlackPad. What does it do? Everything the iPad can do... and possibly more. Some pros it has are, a camera, Bluetooth connections, and maybe more. Well who knows? The official description of what we know is at the following link.

I think there is one more new tablet coming out. I'm not sure if it's the BlackPad or different, but anyways I watched a short video on it and it's better than both of those devices. The reason is because you have a front touchscreen as the iPad and the BlackPad, but you can flip it open to reveal a full keyboard which is like a mini laptop, however it's more portable and has a stronger battery life. The price however, must be high, but it is much better than the iPad, and the BlackPad.

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