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Thursday, November 11, 2010

I'm not Getting Black Ops?!

What the HECK! I'm not getting Black Ops! My parents think its too inappropriate! I don't know why, but they just don't want me to have it. I would die for it and pay $100 instead of $60 just for a game! They still don't understand. I hate it when things don't go your way. I've been wanting this game since February ever since I saw the trailer. And now my dreams are being cut open with a ballistic knife?! It doesn't make any sense! I mean it may not be the most appropriate game ever, but still it's not like I'll be doing it in real life. I wish there was no such thing as ratings on games! I have Modern Warfare 2, but I can't get the next best thing, actually the 1st best thing IN THE WORLD! I saw the first 10 minutes of campaign for Black Ops, and those were the best 10 minutes of my life. Hopefully, I'll get my parents to change their minds. Because right now, I'm steamed at my parents. I'm probably the most desperate person in the world to get the best game in the world. I hope they will agree soon. Please leave some comments below telling my mom and dad to get the game. (BTW I'm in middle school).

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