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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Halloween FAIL!

So in my last post about Halloween, I said I wanted at least 200 pieces of candy. Sadly I didn't make it and I got less than half. FAIL! For some reason, I started to get super thirsty in the middle of trick or treating and I started to wish someone would give me Gatorade instead of candy. But that didn't happen, so I had to go back to my cousin's house (I went trick or treating with my cousins), and drink water. I got probably at the most 60 to 70 pieces which is a HUGE disappointment. Halloween is the only time of the year where you get free candy and no one can stop you from getting it. Now the only thing I can look forward to is Christmas. I did however get some good candy so that was the good thing.
Random thing: I had a Halloween dance like last week or something which I went to since it was the first dance of middle school. Well, I was kind of stupid because when they say DANCE they mean it. The only thing there was, was loud music, some lights, and... well, that's it. People. Nothing else. Just an empty room full of music and lights. That's not what they show in the movies. It was probably the most boring school event I've ever been to. You had to pay for food and it was right after school which is the peak time for kids' stomachs to go berserk and start getting hungry. I usually only eat a breakfast bar, some almonds, and a piece of candy and going 9 hrs without food is hard. Another thing was that you couldn't leave before it ended so you had to wander around the Multi Use room (if you're like me and don't like to dance much) being bored. There was nothing at all to do. Never again am I going to another school dance. But it is also partially my fault. It's called a Halloween DANCE. Not a Halloween Get Bored Party. So, I should apply common sense sometimes.


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