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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Addicted to Call of Duty?!

Yeah, that's right. I'm pretty much addicted. For Christmas I got Black Ops and Xbox Live Gold, so I've pretty much been playing online all day. Black Ops and Modern Warfare 2 are on my list. And my brother keeps teasing me that I still play MW2, but I still think it's a really good game (if not better than Black Ops). I shouldn't say that actually because both games are good in their own ways. It's easier to get perks in MW2 which was nice, but Black Ops has these awesome wager matches that are really fun to play. So you can say I like both games equally. But I still think it was a good idea to get Black Ops because it's a really good game. The campaign in Black Ops is better from what I've played (two missions) but MW2 might be better in multiplayer. And don't get me wrong, MW2 had still an awesome campaign (a little short) , but really exhilerating and lifelike. That's all I got to say. BTW, happy MLK Jr's birthday, I'm happy cause' I get a day off!

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