I looked forward, and saw them coming towards us in huge mobs, and crowds. They were jogging towards us. Us. The other thousand men that were standing behind their leader. Me.
Quickly, I shouted an unknown phrase in the air, and then dove to the ground. Gunshots pierced the air, causing even more noise pollution then there already was with the rain thumping against the ground. I pushed my soggy hair aside, and saw them fall down, in large waves. My neck snapped back to my side and it was the same deal with my men. Carefully, I crawled to the side, and stood behind a large, wet tree. I looked ahead again, and took my rifle and fired at them, their bodies falling helplessly to the ground. A boom, rumbled the ground, and seconds later, lightning scraped the sky and downwards came its wrath. It struck at a tree, a branch cracking. Underneath were many of the enemies. This was my chance.
I loaded my gun and held the trigger not at a person, but at the torn tree trunk hanging from the tree about to give any second. The gun shots burst at the last segments that connected the branch to the tree. A few second did the trick, and the whole thing collapsed, crushing many of the enemy under. However, new armies were swarming in. We needed backup. I sprinted behind, being careful and looking back every couple seconds. As I maneuvered through my men, I saw them going down quickly, and my heart sank thinking what the situation would be if I were one of them. My mind snapped out of it, and I just kept on running. Finally I reached the rear of my men, and jogged back to base. There was a garage, and inside the garage were the backup. I pressed the red button outside of the garage, and the door opened. The alarms in there went off, telling them it was time for action.
They formed a neat square and marched out, then broke out into a steady jog. It was then when I ran back, and started helping out. I shot them down, and it was painful for me to even see them go down, as I knew that they may have made bad choices, but they were all still people. Though, this was what I had signed up for so I did my job.
As I fought, I let the rainwater trickle down my dry throat. It wasn't much, but it was something. Suddenly, I felt a stabbing pain in my left arm, and I fell to the ground. My other arm wrapped around the wound, as my sight went blurry. One of my men jogged over to me, and crouched low, so he was out of sight. The trees in the forest provided nice cover.
He dug into his pack and pulled out a needle. Without thinking, he inserted the thing right into my left arm, where the injury had occurred. It felt like it was on fire for a few seconds before the pain subsided. Then he wrapped some gauze around it, but right when he was about to tuck it in when I saw the most painful thing I had ever seen. His head started to bleed, and the blood was squirting out of the back of it. I closed my eyes immediately, and kept low.
Then I opened one eye, and saw him fall back. A tear rolled down my cheek, but I wiped it away with my good hand. I didn't have the time to cry. With my right hand, I pushed the end of the gauze underneath the loose end, then tightened it. I raised my head, and used my right hand to support my weight up. Then I withdrew my pistol, and started using it, but it wasn't doing a thing. With no effort, I threw it into the mud, and it was buried in. A flash of lightning struck the sky, and I went momentarily blind. Then, my chest felt like it was being ripped apart.
I lay back down but knew that I was gone for good. With one hand, I ripped my chest clothing off, and saw something terrible horrible. Blood stained my skin, and I was slowly dying. Suddenly, I heard cheering, and in the corner of my eye I saw in the distance a white flag being waved by the enemy. We had won.
I smiled, laughed, then closed my eyes again.
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