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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Auto-Tuning and Other Problems with Today's Music

Well, if you've noticed, then music these days isn't what it used to be. Of course, by the last ten years, it'a lot in music has changed. Pop and rap has been brought out a lot more, and nowadays that's the most popular music. Artists like Ke$ha, T-Pain, and Kanye West are just a few artists that I find use WAY too much auto-tune. If you don't know what auto-tune is, it's basically a device that makes your voice sound much different than what it would be without auto-tune. Still don't understand? Auto-tune bends your voice so in some ways you sound like a robot (in Kanye West's situation). But auto-tune is used so much because after using auto-tuning, then the song becomes super catchy, and I have to agree, most of these songs are on my iPod. I mean I like these songs, but it kinda' shows, that without auto-tune, these artists would be nothing. I mean they wouldn't be famous. Another problem with music is that so many artists make these stupid songs with no meaning, and the lyrics of some of these songs just have no meaning whatsoever. In Ke$ha's song Tik Tok she notes a couple seconds into the song that she brushes her teeth with Jack every morning. Jack Daniels is a type of whiskey, and if you really use your head (note of sarcasm) then you can make out that brushing your teeth with alcohol isn't really the best idea. That line in the song, is probably what makes it so popular besides its catchy tune. So, do you know what I mean by some songs have no meaning at all? Lots of this music is actually catchy, but that's what auto-tune does. It's kind of like a hypnotizer to make people like the song. So, I'm not super against this auto-tune idea, but I'm against songs that make no sense, or have no meaning.


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