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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Halloween is Coming

As you all know, Halloween is coming up soon, and I am PUMPED! I'm planning to get around 200 or more pieces of candy. AND I WILL NOT STAND TILL I GET 200 OR MORE PIECES OF CANDY! (well maybe I will, I won't SIT until I get 200 or more pieces). So anyways, I'm going to hit at least 70 houses this time, a lot more than I got last time (which was less than 100 pieces). I am going to be a dude with a skull mask on, and a robe. It's going to be AWESOME. What are you going to be? I was planning to be Ghost from MW2 (an awesome character) but I needed to many clothing items to be him so instead I'm just sticking with Skull Guy. I most probably will post a video of my costume on YouTube. Oh, and the best part? I WILL HAVE A NINJA SWORD AND A KNIFE!!!!

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